Upcote Wedding Images

Upcote Wedding Images
I’d been looking forward to Bea & Adam’s wedding day at Upcote Barn for a long time. Knowing that Bea was a graphic designer, someone with a real attention to detail, I knew the day was going to be amazing to photograph and I wasn’t disappointed. They’d hired an Air B&B close to the church in Chedworth where Leanne O’Neill was in charge of make-up and Suzanne Hale on the hair beautifying! Chedwoth is a really pretty church in a really pretty village. I highly recommend a walk in the woods there if you get the chance. The inside of the church is super pretty too and was the perfect place for Bea & Adam to marry.
Paper cranes at Upcote Barn
After a barrage of confetti aimed in their direction, Bea & Adam headed for the always epic Upcote for pictures, drinks, dinner and a party! The barn was decked out with hundreds of paper cranes hanging from the ceiling and the tables were beautifully designed. Upcote really is the perfect space for hanging out and Bea & Adam made the most of the courtyard and gardens. Enough words, time for some pictures!
If you are looking for more Upcote Wedding Images, there are lots on my blog. To get in touch, head to the contact form at the top of the page.

If you are looking for more Upcote Wedding Images, there are lots on my blog. To get in touch, head to the contact form at the top of the page.