Plas Dinam Wedding Photography

Plas Dinam Wedding Photography
Phill & Amy chose remote for their wedding venue. They chose outdoor, countryside, mountains and most importantly they chose relaxed. Plas Dinam is a unique mansion with stables set in spectacular mid-Wales scenery and was the perfect spot for Phill & Amy to be wed.
Now, I said relaxed and I meant it. Firsly, we have the lovely Biscuit the dog who was around for most of the morning keeping everyone entertained. The sun shone throughout the morning and the surrounding landscape looked incredible. Except for a few spots of rain right in the middle of the outdoor ceremony, it stayed that way.
After a short ceremony, the deed was done and Phill & Amy led their guests around to the main lawn for drinks and canapes. Biscuit managed to get in a few pictures, the guests wandered round the grounds and everyone enjoyed the sunshine.
Wedding breakfast at Plas Dinam in the stables
After making full use of the expansive grounds with Phill & Amy for a few pictures, it was time for dinner in the stables, a rustic building oozing charm. The mixture of the wood and metal in the old buildings, country flowers, wooden tables laid out lengthways and the awesome lighting above made the setting perfect. Epic speeches followed – featuring one by Amy too – before the evening light did it thing and we nipped outside for a few more pictures.
If you are getting married, it’s always worth checking when the light is going to be pretty in the evening so that it doesn’t clash with speeches! The lighting in the stables came into their own ever more as night fell and the dancefloor got busy!
If you are looking for Plas Dinam wedding photography, do please use my contact form at the top of this page to enquire if I am available on your wedding day and ask any questions you have. Alternatively, head over to the portfolio!

If you are looking for Plas Dinam wedding photography, do please use my contact form at the top of this page to enquire if I am available on your wedding day and ask any questions you have. Alternatively, head over to the portfolio!