Oxleaze Barn Wedding Photographer

Bespoke matching wedding outfits
Tom & Petra chose Oxleaze Barn as their wedding venue – a beautifully private Cotswold Barn near Lechlade. Wedding days that break away from the traditional are always epic to photograph, especially when lots of colour is involved. Tom & Petra both wore bespoke matching outfits created by the mother of the groom. Yes, I said matching! The orange and the chevrons were a work of creative genius, but the colour didn’t stop there… The more you scroll down the post, the more you’ll see!
Oxleaze barn wedding photographer
After getting ready together in one of the cottages at Oxleaze, Tom & Petra dressed separately. Tom headed to the barn and Petra walked over soon after. After a lovely orange and bubble filled ceremony, Petra & Tom enjoyed the outside areas at Oxleaze for their drinks reception. The wedding breakfast continued the theme of colour throughout with the added bonus of a scattering of board games on each table for the guests to play.
More board games arrived after dinner and speeches in the guise of Thirsty Meeples who brought a healthy supply!It’s not something you’ll see at many weddings but it’s great when couples really let their wedding reflect their lives.
‘Marcus was fantastic. He knew when to fade into the background to catch unstaged photos, and when to step in and organise everyone for the nice group shots. The pictures all came out looking great, we couldn’t be happier!’ – Tom & Petra
Wedding drag queen performance
The finale of the day was an incredible drag performance from Snow White Trash – It was great as always to work with the team at Oxleaze and with Manor Events catering. If you are looking for an Oxleaze Barn Wedding Photographer, get in touch!

If you are looking for an Oxleaze Barn Wedding Photographer, get in touch!